Be part of our upcoming dog show event in Munyonyo. We’ll be excited to see your dog friend!



Vaccination is a key component of preventive medicine in dogs, just as in people. Vaccinations are given to stimulate the immune system against infection before exposure to a disease. Several vaccines are routinely given to dogs as the core defense against serious infectious illness (for example, parvovirus, rabies, distemper, hepatitis, leptospirosis, influenza). Booster vaccinations are given every year throughout the dog’s life to ensure ongoing protection.

In Uganda, the following vaccines are available:

  • Anti-Parvovirus Vaccine
  • Anti-Rabies Vaccine
  • Cocktail Vaccine (DHPP-L)

Parvovirus is the main cause of death in puppies but it equally occurs in adult unvaccinated dogs and can still be fatal. The virus causes severe diarrhea, vomiting, fever and dehydration. The virus transmits through contaminated faeces or even just through contact with contaminated objects (you can carry it home on your shoes). Early vaccination of puppies is essential but note that the first vaccine does not provide full immunity and until all vaccinations are complete, your puppies should be isolated from other dogs.

Rabies is a very serious disease that can cross from wild animals to dogs and from dogs to humans. It is a deadly disease and should a person contract it, without immediate treatment death is a certain outcome. Rabies vaccine is given at 12 weeks and thereafter annually. For dogs who travel to certain countries, a titer test for rabies antibodies is required, with a high antibody count as a result. Only then will a dog be permitted to enter a country where rabies has been eradicated.

Cocktail vaccine offers protection against several diseases, each explained below.

  • Canine Distemper is highly contagious and potentially deadly disease that affects the respiratory, nervous, gastrointestinal and urogenital systems.
  • Canine Adenovirus causes infectious hepatitis or a respiratory disease, depending on whether it is caused by CAV-1 or CAV-2.
  • Parvovirus is also covered in the cocktail vaccine.
  • Canine Parainfluenza or kennel cough is a respiratory disease, highly infectious and airborne. Infected dogs cough sounding like ducks. In most cases the disease clears after several days.
  • Leptospirosis is transmitted by rats and mice. A dog gets infected by licking the urine of these animals. Leptospirosis causes serious damage to kidneys and liver, and can be fatal.

Vaccination that is done one schedule will keep your dog free of these potentially deadly and contagious diseases, and will give you a peace of mind knowing that your dog is protected.